WEATHER UPDATE: Due to freezing temperatures, our campus is closed on Wednesday, January 22. This includes the After School and Day School programs.


“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:5)

Meeting Times

Sundays between 9:45 - 12:00 PM


Get connected! We're happy to answer your questions.

What's Happening

Check out our calendar for upcoming events.

About Our Worship Ministry

Worship is a dialogue between God and His people – a rhythm of revelation and response. Corporate worship occurs as a group of faithful followers share in the dialogue of life-changing communion with God, who authors the story of our salvation. Church at Wieuca envisions a faith community that serves the Buckhead and metro Atlanta area through transformative worship and arts programming. We desire to cultivate an awareness that God is calling us to reclaim the arts and renew the use of them.
Music plays a large role in our worship gatherings and in the life of our church. We are always eager for others to join us.”
Adult Choir rehearses from 8:30 – 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings in the downstairs choral suite (located on the first floor below the Sanctuary). No audition is required; however, some music reading ability and prior choral experience are helpful.
Our selected instrumental ensemble anchors the music for all gatherings. This group rehearses on Sunday mornings in the Peachtree Room from 9:30 – 10:30 AM.
Occasionally our children and youth participate in Sunday worship gatherings throughout the year.

Not all worship leaders play an instrument and stand up front. Each week, we depend on the dedicated and selfless service of our volunteers to help run our worship technology (audio, presentation, and live streaming).

The reading of God’s Word plays an important role in all our gatherings, and we are always looking for well-spoken and faithful individuals who are willing to serve by reading a scripture passage in a service.

Are you passionate to help people? We need Sunday Greeters to be the smiling face of Wieuca on Sunday Mornings to help our guests and members each week. Contact our Associate Pastor, Rev. Josh Speight at for more information on how to participate.

Ministry Staff